2.5 Necessity for a ‘Quiz’+’Communication’+’Advertising’+’Rewards’ combined platform

In Quiztok platform, quiz contents are provided with advertisements. Users can receive reward points by solving quizzes and consuming Ad at the same time.

Reward points received from Quiztok can be changed into Tokens and users can use them in many different ways.

For instance, Quiztok users can become advertisers and pay for their advertisements with Tokens. Users can also make a donation in their names with Tokens or exchange Tokens with cash.

Used QTCON will be purchased by advertisers again and advertisers will use it for their advertising costs in Quiztok platform.

The block chain technology that Quiztok uses is highly reliable and effective for advertisers to expose their Ad with its transparent and safe systems.

As users solve more quizzes, advertising consumption will increase. This will lead to increase in Ad effects in Quiztok platform. As a result, we can expect to attract more and more users as the value of our platform increases.

Solving quizzes and Token rewards

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